Back to the roots? That's something we never had to do - because we never left them. Even if the area behind our parent's home have gotten a little bigger. Over 140 employees keep our green oven going on 65 hectares of area for containers and 35 hectares of open land, not to mention in our modern administrative and logistics centre. As a supplier offering a full assortment, we ship over 4,500 plants for garden centres - around Germany and Europe. 


Whether its gardeners specialising in tree nurseries or ornamental plants, graduate engineers, logistics specialists, merchants or accountants: Everyone does their part! Over 140 employees do their very best for us every day. Every one of them is an essential part of our family-run business and has contributed to our success story. 75 percent of our employees are part of our established team and some of them have been involved from the very beginning. 

Interested in enlightening apprenticeship years? – Learn more about our one-of-a-kind training programme. 



Whether early bloomers, ornamental shrubs, bushes, roses or fruit trees: We have them all! As a supplier of a full assortment, we deliver high-quality tree nursery products to specialist garden centres around Germany and Europe. In addition to high quality, our customers benefit from our knowledge of the right time to sell certain products. Through strategic cultivation, today we are in the position to deliver the right tree nursery plants in time for different flowering intervals.


True to the motto "conversation is helpful", we work closely with a strong network of Danish, Dutch and French partners – for our own development, but also to further develop our products, push innovation ahead together and identify market trends. 


Over our forty years we have measured our success in the many long term relationships forged in mutual cooperation. Your success is important and integral to ours so rest assured whether you are a long respected friend or a new customer you with will always receive our best attention. We strive to support you in your business with new and innovative products that is why our service is more than production and delivery. We keep a close eye on the market and react on trends and customer needs. New brands and packages are ready-made & assembled for you. Promotional and PR-campaigns in the media ensure the attention of the general public for you. Thanks to integrated brand-identity the customer will easily recognize our products in your garden-centre. Examples of our new ‘star plants’ that we have supported with pr packages are Bloombux®, the sensational flowering box alternative, impressive King-Size-Plants® and our Lucky Berry®. All of them offering a perfect solution for the terrace or balcony. New Hydrangea include the breakthrough series of Forever & Ever® flowering on new seasons growth making it so easy for your customers. Other new Hydrangea include the incredible Deep Purple® & the enchanting Magical® series with amazing colour changes in the flower during the season. And following its huge success Three Sisters®, the 3-in-1 bouquet hydrangea. We attach great importance to personal contact. Our nursery show is held twice a year, in August for summer and November through to early February for the winter show. It is a perfect time to discuss your requirements and the place to make deals that work for both companies. It allows us to show you our complete assortment in every size, shape and price offering you the time to assess the best plan for you. We understand the difficulty in maintaining large quantities of flowering plants at their best over a long selling period and for this reason we offer you our cooling facility. For example you can extend your Evergreen Azalea season by a full 4 weeks by topping up from your reserve held in our cold store. It is so simple, reserve the total quantity required, take a percentage in the first delivery, top up as required. Whatever your choice of plants may be: at Diderk Heinje we have the assortment, quality and service that will fit to the needs and demands of your customers.